Ongoing Studies

Numerous national or international clinical trials have been carried out or are currently underway at our UOC.

The main research protocols are the following:


  • Role of Hepatic Vein Pressure Gradients, Limon test (ICG) and Fibroelastogram in preoperative assessment of patients receiving a liver resection for HCC: a multicenter prospective study
  • ct-DNA study in CRLM: Prospective observational study to evaluate the predictive value of liquid biopsy as an index of recurrence of colorectal liver metastases in patients undergoing liver resection.
  • IGOMIPS: National Prospective Registry of Data Collection of Patients Undergoing Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Resection
  • Pancreas Group: International Registry of Pancreatic Surgery
  • Microbiota: evaluation of the microbiota in patients with hepatocarcinoma in cirrhosis
  • TSA Study: Retrospective Multicenter Study to Assess the Impact of Portosystemic Shunts on Postoperative Hepatic Failure in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis Undergoing Liver Resection
  • Orange 2 Plus study: prospective randomized comparative study between laparoscopic and open liver resections in the posterior superior segments.
  • Hercoles 2: National registry of prospective data collection of patients undergoing liver resection for liver cancer